Hopes and Dreams

Last Sunday, Ray David stopped and personally shared with us his hopes and dreams for the people of St. George’s in the coming year. Here are 12 things that he talked about that will challenge you to grow deeper in Christ. 

  1. I am concerned that we as a church are growing larger in numbers, but maybe not growing deeper in Christ. 

  2. This is not a message of guilt, but a joyful invitation to a preferable future.

  3. What if there was something so dynamically different about the christian life, that it would radically change everything?

  4. There is more to the christian life than just superficial church attendance.

  5. If the gospel is to truly change you from the inside out – if you are to truly grow in the Lord, you have to start with a deep, and profound sense of what God has done for you in Jesus, and what God has done to you in Jesus.

  6. The gospel is more than just information to stick into your head – it is a way of living.

  7. The gospel gives us a new way of living – a new way of being.

  8. The christian life is not about trying harder – it is about being who you are in Christ.

  9. Our patterns of thinking that are not rooted in the gospel, create ruts in our lives that effect the way we think about ourselves and the way we interact with others.

  10. True spiritual growth happens when we view the world through the lens of the gospel.

  11. When defining the gospel, it needs to be articulated in terms of the birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. This is the central story in the bible.

  12. My prayer is that we would default to speaking the gospel to every area of our lives – that it would become the new lens through which we see things. It will change us from the inside out – from our marriages, to our jobs, our families, and all the way into our communities.
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