New Creation

Watch as Ray David unpacks Galatians 6:6-18 and shows us that the Gospel + Nothing = Freedom in Christ.


Neither religious observance nor non-religious ardor counts for anything. Because the Gospel is not primarily about what you do, but what God has already done for you in Jesus. 

In this moment, just as you are, you are as approved of by God as you’ll ever be. God loves you until you are lovely.

The Gospel changes the way we see other people. 

The Christian life is not primarily about meetings or programs, the Gospel lived-out is all about doing good to the person right in front of you. The Gospel gives us a new lens to look at the difficult people in our lives. Difficult people are not thorns in our flesh, they are opportunities to live out the Gospel – to love the unlovable, to do good to those who don’t deserve it.

When you love the unlovable, you will feel that sense of the deep truth of the universe that is the Gospel. 

We do not just share common interests, and faith with other Christians, we share brotherhood and sisterhood in Christ. We are part of the same family. As you do good to everyone, start with the household of faith.

If you sow into the goodness of the Gospel you will see it’s fruit in your life.

Any good thing in our lives is all because of God’s goodness and grace. 

The Gospel changes the way we see God.

Your safety and security with God has nothing to do with what you do, it is all about what Jesus has done for you. If your safety and security was only as good as the strength of your belief, then we would all be in deep trouble. 

The Gospel says that you stand before God boasting only in one thing – the cross of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. You no longer need to placate God, He has been satisfied by the cross.

The Gospel changes the way we see ourselves.

The only person in the cosmos that truly knows you, also truly loves you. In most of our interpersonal relationships we have to choose only one of these – either to be fully known or fully loved. But the Gospel is a new way of looking at yourself. You are a new creation – a new creature that is radically loved by God. And this truth changes you. You are as broken, hopeless, and helpless as your worst neighbour. And at the same time you are as loved by God as His one and only Son. He finds you beautiful and knowing that will make you into a new creation.

Do good to everyone, because God did good to you though Jesus when you least deserved it. 

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