The Prayer Room

We are currently not holding official weekly gatherings, but feel free to enter the room and pray at any time.

The Online Prayer Room

At St. George’s we believe that our lives should be permeated with prayer. God is the source of all life and only in Him and through his presence do we find true and abundant life. Saint Paul exhorts us to ‘pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you‘. 1 Thess 5:17-18. As followers of Jesus we are called to be a people of prayer, for we believe that the ‘prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working‘. James 5:16.

We as a church meet together to pray several times a week in different contexts, but because of the distance, for many of our congregation it is unfeasible. Out of this awareness of distance and this heart for prayer was birthed the ‘Online Prayer Room’. It is a place where we as a community can meet together and pray, offer thanksgiving, and worship to Jesus our Lord from our homes, workplaces or wherever we find ourselves. Even those from our church family who the Lord has sent out to distant countries can now join with us in prayer. This is meant to be a supplement to our weekly prayer meetings and will in no way replace them. There is something special about meeting together face-to-face together, but God can bridge distances and meet with us in our offices and homes just as easily as in our church buildings. For some of you the thought of typing prayers from your computers may be awkward, but give it a try and see if the Lord doesn’t bless you through it.

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How it works

There are many ways to pray online, but there are two specific ways that we will implement:

Guided Prayer – In a guided prayer format there will be a leader who will guide us in our prayer and the rest of the participants will be asked to follow the direction of this prayer leader. The participants are encouraged to type out prayers in response to that of the leader.

Free Prayer – during free prayer times participants are encouraged to pray out any prayers that are on their hearts as the Lord leads. This could mean that there are many prayers being typed at the same time. Feel free to respond to one another and interact in each other’s prayers as much as possible.

How to Sign Up

All you need to do to get signed up for the prayer room is to register. When you click on the ‘Enter the Prayer Room’ button on the top of this page it will take you to a log-in form. If this is the first time you have been in the prayer room click on ‘register’. It will take you a registration page. It will first of all ask for a username. This should be your full name (i.e. John Doe). Secondly you should fill in a email address. Thirdly, you should enter a password. This can be anything you want, but it should be something you will remember. In the last form field just enter in your password again. Click ‘register’ and you will be officially registered for the prayer room. It will then take you back to the log in page. Enter in the Username and Password you created during the registration process, click log in and you will be taken to the prayer room.

How to Pray

When you enter the page you will see three main elements. The ‘Main Prayer Window’, the ‘Prayer Input Box’, and the ‘Members in Room List’.

The Main Prayer Window dominates much of the page and in it you will see all of the prayers that are written in the prayer room.

The Prayer Input Box is located at the bottom of the page. All you need to do to pray, is to click in this box and then type your prayer message. Once you have finished typing your message, press the ‘enter’ key on your keyboard or the send button to the right of the box on your screen. (Please do not enter in any prayers that you would like to keep confidential – all of the registered users in the prayer room will be able to see your prayers.)

The Members in Room List is located on the right side of the page and in it you will see listed everyone who is praying in the prayer room.


If you have any other questions please watch the Tutorial Video at the top of this page or feel free to email Bryan Hunt our Media Pastor – [email protected]

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