Pray for Our Mayor

Over 600 leaders gathered this morning at the Burlington Convention Centre to pray for our mayor, Rick Goldring.  Our very own Gillian Fernie has served on the steering committee for this important event for several years and, once again, St. George’s was well represented.

I had opportunity to visit with the mayor, updating him on our building project and assuring him that we pray for him often.

The Honourable James R. H. Turnbull was the keynote speaker.  He told a bit of his life story, growing up in Hamilton, being a successful lawyer and eventually being called to the bench.  His was the typical story of a successful man, convinced he didn’t need the crutch of religion. Until one day, he came home from a handball tournament to discover that his wife had become a born-again Christian.  He began to ask the big questions, like, “What is life all about?”

Turnabull said that this launched him on a journey of exploring Christian faith.  As a judge he was required to make decisions based on facts and evidence, so he considered the natural world and decided that such elegance only made sense of their was an intelligent creator.  Then, what about Jesus.  After closely examining the evidence, he concluded that if there was ever enough evidence to convince him beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law, then there was more than enough evidence confirming Jesus’ claims.

Justice Turnbull’s favourite scripture is John 16:33 where Jesus said, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

He left us with 3 keys to good leadership, pointing to Jesus as our example.  First, pray.  Second, read your bible.  Third, serve sacrificially.

I left the mayor’s prayer breakfast encouraged.  I left considering the accounts of the judges of Israel.  When Israel had good, godly judges, the scriptures record that “Israel had rest in the land.”  I am so very thankful for a godly man, like James Turnbull, who prays for wisdom and direction each morning and before making a ruling.  Please pray for Justice Turnbull as he leads the entire judiciary in Southern Ontario.  Pray that we may have rest in the land.

Paul instructed the young pastor, Timothy, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2


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