You are an Heir to a Fortune

Have you ever received an inheritance? Perhaps it was from a passed-away family member. What qualified you for this gift? Did you outperform the competition to receive this honor? My guess is that you received it not because of what you did, but because of what you are – a part of a family.

A Very Special Family

As Christians, we are part of a very special family; the family of God. Because of Christ’s triumph over sin and death, and the fact that our lives have been united with Christ in His death and resurrection (Rom 6:5), we are now faced with this Earth-shattering reality – we are God’s heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17). This means that the most poverty-stricken Christian is coming into a greater inheritance than the heir of the wealthiest non-believer – because our father is the King of Kings. We are His heir, and He has promised us a glorious inheritance (Eph 1:18). This inheritance is the only one that will not ultimately leave us disappointed, and unsatisfied. There isn’t a single inheritance on Earth that can cure a broken heart, cleanse a guilty conscience, or bring you eternal joy. Plus you can’t bring Earthly inheritances with you after you die. But as J.C. Ryle said, “There is no disappointment among the ‘heirs of God.'”

What is our Inheritance?

So if our inheritance as Christians is so glorious, what is it exactly? What have we been promised?

1. A Home

Have you ever felt like you just didn’t quite belong? Like you were a stranger here in this world? Well God promises us a home that will be a “better country” (Heb 11:16), where we will be truly at home – no longer exiles, but citizens (Phil 3:20). Our home with God is the place we were made for and it will be the place where we truly, completely feel at home.

2. What is God’s is Yours

If we are heirs of God, then we will inherit what is God’s. “The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it.” (Psa 24:1) All the world contains – its beauties, and glories are yours as an inheritance. What does this practically mean? John Piper puts it like this – “All things will serve your everlasting joy.” We will rule with Christ over the good world that God created, as princes and princesses of the King of Kings. Nothing in creation will have the power to steal our joy. 

3. God Himself

Our inheritance is not only what God has created, but God Himself. One day we will be able to see, and enjoy, and savour God in all of His fullness. Our great inheritance is that God will live with us, and He will be our light, and our portion forever (Rev 22:4-5). We were made for Him and we will finally be able to enjoy Him completely. We don’t know yet what this will be like, words fail us, but looking upon God will be the most glorious sight we have ever seen. 

4. Glorified Bodies

We will receive redeemed and glorified bodies. We will no longer experience pain, or the decay of our bodies – because we will have eternal bodies. Romans 8 refers to it as the “redemption of our bodies” and that “we will be conformed to the image of His Son”. We will be made enough like Christ that we will be able to enjoy God fully and as John piper says – “have bodies capable of deeper, higher, fuller joys than we presently have.” We will know everything fully, just as God knows us fully (1 Cor 13:12). “The whole man– spirit, soul and body – will be entirely and perfectly delivered from the reign and the tyranny and the rule of sin.” Martin lloyd Jones.

A Privilege of your New Identity

Your inheritance is not something you have to earn, it is a privilege of your new identity – a member of the household of God. Glory in this fact. Stand in wonder at the grace of God shown to you in Christ, that you have been reborn into the family of God. You have a true home. You have been given life for death. You are an heir of everything that is the Lord’s. God, the most beautiful and glorious sight in the universe, will live with you, and He will glorify your body in a way where you will be bodily like Christ – able to enjoy Him forever.

Christian, this is your glorious inheritance.
Imperishable. Undefiled. Unfading. (1 Pet 1:4)

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