Parents: Kids Age 3-6

Parents: Kids Age 3-6



This Month’s Theme

Jesus wants to be my friend forever. Isn’t that AMAZING? He wants to be MY friend. He wants to be YOUR friend. Jesus wants to be my friend, forever. What a life-changing truth. What a foundational truth. What an awesome thing to put in the hearts of our preschoolers.

This month starts with excitement and fun as your preschoolers have an opportunity to wave palm branches and yell “Hosanna” during the Entry Celebration. What an amazing day that must have been. The following week we celebrate Easter, leading our little ones through the seriousness of the Last Supper and Crucifixion to the joy of Easter day itself. He is risen! He is alive!

We continue through the month of April learning that while He was on earth, Jesus was a good friend to those around Him. He taught us how to be a good friend too. Through the story of Mary and Martha, we learn that Jesus wants to spend time with us and that good friends spend time together without the “busy” taking over. That’s a lesson for today’s world, isn’t it? We learn that being friends with Jesus means giving Him everything, even our most prized possessions. And, finally we learn that our best friend ever is preparing a place for us, a place where we can be with Him forever. How amazing.

Kathy Hill

Editor in Chief, First Look



The Parent Cue resources are materials created for parents that coincide with the sunday school curriculum. Each month there will be different bible verses, games, and discipleship ideas to use with your family.

Download this month’s Parent Cue Resources


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