One year later.

Today marks the one year anniversary of Justice Milanetti’s ruling that resulted in our leaving 7051 Guelph Line.  So, so much has happened in a year.  I have been reflecting ont he goodness of our Lord all day.  I was boarding an airplane when I received the news of the ruling – that was Monday, May 5th.  On Wednesday, May 7th we held a congregational meeting to discuss our leaving the building and on May 11th we worshipped for the first time together at the Crossroads Chapel.

Since then we have seen clear evidence of the Lord’s provision and blessing.  As difficult as it was to leave our beloved building, God has provided us with a wonderful place to worship.  Since moving to Crossroads we have grown significantly in number and discipleship.  Truly we can say that we have been blessed.

The issue of beneficial ownership of 7051 Guelph Line remains before the courts.  However, in the meantime we are not on hold.  We are moving ahead with our gospel mission – to be disciples making disciples.

God has shown Himself strong and able.  All Glory to God!

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