Rhonda Update May 5

May 5th, 2010

Dear St. George’s Family,

We are home. Rhonda has been discharged from the hospital while we await the results from the biopsy. It is good to be home, but the reasons for being home are not good.

The doctor considered that Rhonda might as well be home, since they would not be able to perform emergency surgery on her, even if she went into distress in hospital. Our doctor opted for the comfort of Rhonda and I sleeping in our own bed.

Driving home from the hospital Rhonda and I had the windows rolled all the way down, the car filled with the lovely flowers you all have sent, and Rhonda said to me, “What a beautiful day. I am so blessed to see it.” I love Rhonda. She is a treasured lady.

I was lost in my head, praying when a thought crossed my mind. We are truly without a safety net now. So far we have had the daily check-ins at the hospital and the security of regular monitoring. Now, based on the doctor’s immediate prognosis and our recent discharge, we are resting on nothing save the promises of our Lord.

After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. So Jesus said to the Twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.” John 6:66-69

Thank you for your continued prayer. I know that prayer can become a burden when the need stretches out longer than expected, but your prayers and kind emails have truly carried us thus far. Thank you.

Lord, to whom shall Rhonda, Matthew and I go? You alone have the words of eternal life.


35 thoughts on “Rhonda Update May 5”

  1. Hey You Guys!!!
    I, for one am not about to stop praying!!!! We as friends must do everything in our power, to make things as painless for Rhonda as possible!!! Not sure how else to9 go about it, but with all of us praying together, I believe we can be a constant support!!!! Love you all!!!

  2. Dear Rhonda & Ray David,
    We have our group prayer meeting in Guelph this evening. You will be front and centre as we agree together, in HIs Strong Name.
    With continued prayer to the God who is Greater…

  3. RD,

    Given the short amount of time that I spent at St. George’s it is incredible how much my life has been touched, and continues to be touched, by the lot of you. You and your family (including your church family) mean so much to me and this news of Rhonda’s diagnosis has truly broken my heart.

    I don’t know what the days ahead will look like for your family but I do know that God has a plan for you and will take care of you. The doctors might not think they can do anything for Rhonda at this time but Jesus is the Great Physician and does not need the aid of human hands to heal her. HE is your safety net, and truly the only safety net that you can put all your trust in.

    Remembering this brings me comfort because I myself have felt utterly helpless ever since Rhonda got sick, knowing there’s virtually nothing I can do for her except pray earnestly. In a strange way, it has been YOUR personal faith that has given ME the strength and encouragement to continue praying for you, reminding me that the power of prayer is very real. It has been your faith that has reminded me, in such a powerful way, that God is alive and at work in you and your family. I am praying for Him to do some very specific work in Rhonda right now, but I take comfort in knowing that she is in His hands and there is no safer place for her to be.

    God bless you, brother.


  4. Hey Ray David, Rhonda ..and Matthew ..

    Please don’t stop these blogs and your requests for prayer for feeling that it is stretching on too long! Keep Rhonda and your family ever before us so that we can hold you up in prayer. I am positive you will have an army fighting for you and walking with you no matter how long this journey takes!

    Praying, continually ..


  5. The burden is light when we carry Christs yoke. Fervent prayer is capable by all. Especially when the Holy Spirit guides us throughout the day.

    You both are incredible witnesses to Christ! I am thankful Blair and I can walk along side you. Your courage and tenacity continue to change my heart, Glorify HIM, and witness to others God’s steadfast love.

    Many are thankful for your family, and I’m sure like my heart bubbles over in intense, pleading prayer for you all.

    Praying incredible blessings and miracles for you Glenn family. <3

    P.S Like Brenda said, I agree. Your posts continue to fan the flame of passionate, fervent prayer. I believe it's a great encouragement for all praying.

  6. There is no safer place to be than in the arms of Jesus. You are right whee you need to be at this hour, moment, second. Jesus is never too late…He is always on time.

    Dear Jesus,

    I lift up Rhonda to you. I pray that you would curse the root of this tumor and cause it to shrink and die. I pray for total healing for her. May your grace and peace rest on this family. May you be glorified and lifted high.

    In Jesus name we pray,

  7. our Love and prayers are going up for you all. Bless you all, may the Great Physician keep HIS healing hand on Rhonda and comfort Ray David and Matty

    We Love you all,

    Alan Heather & Lloyd Cole

  8. OUR GOD REIGNS, Thank you Lord that you are in control & we know without a shadow of doubt that you care for Rhonda more than we could ever imagine. Please know I am praying & believing for a miracle, nothing is to difficult for our Father God. Praying that Gods Peace that passes all understanding will rest on you & Matthew at this time.

  9. Dear Ray David, Rhonda & Matthew
    It is truly no burden to continue to pray for our risen Lord to give a miracle of healing to Rhonda, may he grant you comfort and an abundance of peace while you are waiting.
    The Lord bless your family and to him be the glory.

  10. Dear Ray David, Rhonda, Matthew:
    just like your car ride home today ~~ may tomorrow be a “roll down the window, splash the sunshine in” kinda of day for you all. I’m sitting here as one person in prayer for you Rhonda and for you Ray David and for you Matthew, but, then I let my eyes truly ‘see’ that there is an “as far as the eye can see” passionate family of God out there sending up prayer for you all and…….my own faithful prayer connects to this “Believers” chain. Imagine Rhonda that just like Pentecost, prayers in every language are being lifted to The Father for you…. I end my day as I began it Glenn Family ….. lifting you up to our Jesus.

    God Bless You,

  11. Dear Ray David, Rhonda, Matthew, Please know that your family are in our thoughts & prayers at this time. May God give you the peace which passeth all understanding, and may He provide strength, for all of you. We especially pray that Rhonda may be comforted, and feel the love from her Brothers & sisters in Chist. God Bless, Eleanor & Vic Clifford. (St. Timothy’s Anglican Bible Church.)

  12. Dear Rhonda, Ray David & Matthew,
    Morning by morning,
    before my feet touch the floor,
    prayer is rising, rising,
    pleading, interceding,
    adoring and trusting the God who is Greater.

  13. “Oh Lord I believe, help my unbelief.”
    And I speak to that ‘mountain’ and tell it to get off Rhonda’s head in Jesus’ name.

  14. Although we have never met, I feel compelled to pray hard for you… Power in numbers… I will pass it on to everyone I know… lotsa love from Edmonton, the Danis family….

  15. God our Father, through Jesus Christ cares intricately for each of us; and he does the same for Rhonda. I have been blessed in my growth with Christ Jesus to be taught and mentored by a Pastor who has shown me that when we get to the root cause, the demons will leave and we can return to our our original health as when we were with our Father. If you would like to have this Pastor come to Rhonda’s for prayer, please email me.

  16. Hi folks, Rhonda, I’ve just learned of your battle and sister, I will pray for you and your family without ending. I’ve met you only a few times at conferences but also the many times we’ve shared coffee in my living room, you on one side of a television and me on the other. Your lovely smile, your voice and your countenance bring joy to my heart each time I think of you. I can instantly hear you when I think of your name. Knowing that Jesus cares about these details in my life about you, makes me know more and more, that the details he cares for in your life, and that of your family, are immensely more substantial for each of you. I am but a stranger, they are your life. Tears come for a night time, but JOY comes in the morning. You are lovely Rhonda. Lovely of spirit and of voice and of body. You are grace and mercy because of the joy in the Lord that ripples from you. I pray God reaches each moment of your day today with something new and refreshing. I pray for your amazing husband who is so faithful to you. To your son, who loves his mamma. I pray peace into your space. Be blessed dear friend. You are loved.

  17. Dear Rhonda & Ray David:

    Dear Rhonda, Ray David & Matthew:
    My heart goes out to you at this very difficult time. I have followed your ministry with great interest since you were both on 100 Huntley. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and will remain there over future days. I know that my God works miracles, even today, and I am asking for Him to do that for you Rhonda. God’s mercies are new every morning and this morning may you feel a fresh touch from Him and may His mercies give you the strength to get through this day.

    Love and prayers,


  18. “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7
    Father in Heaven, I praise you and thank you that you are ALWAYS working and that you love us and you CHOSE us to be your adopted sons and daughters. You are our Abba, our Daddy.
    Your ways are not our ways and Your thoughts are not our thoughts, and we know that You work everything out for our good and YOUR Glory. We ask you to heal Rhonda completely and to bring a supernatural peace to their family. Surround them in your love and grace. We thank you and praise you LORD in all things. We praise you Jesus!
    In the precious name of Jesus I pray! AMEN! AMEN!

  19. Dear Rhonda and Ray David,
    Jesus Christ is the same yesterday,today and forever!
    He never leaves us or forsakes us!
    Sending my love and prayers!
    Betty McVety

  20. Dear Rhonda, Ray David, and Matthew:

    Thank you for your updates and prayer requests. As brothers and sisters in Christ we stand with you in prayer before our Father at this time. You are not alone.

    I received much encouragement and wisdom from Rhonda when she co-hosted 100 Huntley and I am writing to you from Calgary. I will be sharing your prayer request with my prayer partners here.

    In His Grip,

  21. May the hand of God be with Rhonda, as we all pray for her and Ray David and Matthew. May God watch over Rhonda each and every day.

  22. Ray David and Rhonda – we at St. Andrew’s Church in South Delta, B.C. continue to hold you up in prayer. May all of us, through His grace and mercy, witness. a miracle of restored health in your life Rhonda. Peace and Love from your brothers and sisters in Christ!

  23. Ray David, Rhonda and Matthew know that you are being lifed in prayer by our church plant, Eternal Hope Church in Carleton Place, ON. You Ray David helped us grow our church and we thank you. We are leaning on God’s grace for Rhonda, it is our Eternal Hope and prayer that a miracle will come.

  24. I too am praying for you… for a miracle of healing and that you may feel God’s love in a very real way and rest secure in Him.

  25. I just had a great OPPORTUNITY. I got to pray with my little one for you and your family. I am humbled by your faith and I want in my life what is reflected in yours. Know you are waiting for results and we are praying with you. To God be the Glory. Love you all Donna

  26. Ray David and Rhonda.

    I just learned of your sad news and am so sorry.
    I’ve often thought fondly of you two since our days at CTS.
    I respected the both of you so much for your life decisions.
    Having been through a similar encounter with my own wife 16 years ago, I urge you to make every effort to stay positive and have faith.


    All mountains are movable.
    All stars are reachable.
    All things are possible.
    All with the faith in God.

    Fondest wishes.

  27. Dear Rhonda, Ray David & Mathew,
    We live a long distance away from you, outside of Edmonton, but join in prayer with the thousands of others who have come to “know” & love you through your ministry Rhonda, on 100 Huntley Street. The bond we share in Christ makes us a family so we lift you before our Father with the love and desire for your healing that only a family can feel. We pray the Lord’s love, peace and yes, even joy, will flood your hearts during this experience.

  28. Watched Rhonda many times on Huntley street,a very sincere lady and godly woman.Ijust wannt her and her husband and son to know i will keep them in my prayers.praying for strength and his healing power. I believe with you that our god can do all things.Heis lord.God Bless you all.

  29. My eyes well with tears and I have been tearing up all day today after hearing on crossroads for the first time about Rhonda’s illness. I was reading the passage just recently myself…”Lord to whom shall we go?”

    There is no one greater to go to. He never leaves or forsakes.

    We watched you daily Rhonda on 100 Huntley Street and were thrilled when you boldly ventured into your law course. We prayed for you then and we will pray for you and your lovely family now.

    Love and prayers in Christ Jesus.

  30. This is the first time I heard about Rhonda’s condition through Facebook. I am a fellow believer and I am standing in faith with you for healing. May God continue to strengthen you and your family. Let us believe the victorious report of the Lord and not the negative report of the doctors. Yes the facts may not say anything good, but the TRUTH of the Word of God says by Jesus stripes you were healed. Hold onto the truth, speak it, believe it and expect it.

    Our God is an AWESOME God.

    Love in Christ


  31. Rhonda

    I don’t even know when to begin! My Heart just broke for You, Ray-David and Matty! I have been praying for all 3 of you! The bottom line is All God’s Glory and using his Strengths and Wisdom’s during these kinds of times!
    My Heart is with you all!
    My God Bless You Dearly!
    Brandy xoxoxoxoxoxoxox!
    Makeup CTS

  32. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you walk this, yet another journey, with God by your side. I pray for his mercy and love to shine on Rhonda and bring you all through this. God Bless and know that strength in numbers conquers all!
    Mike & John D.

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