Rhonda Update May 21

Dear St. George’s Family,

Please pray for my wife. Rhonda is declining quickly. The growing tumor and swelling have increased her cranial pressure to the point where she is largely unresponsive. I am sitting by her bed in the ICU broken-hearted.

A few times each day she opens her eyes and is able to exchange a word or two. Sometimes she reaches out to embrace me or simple stroke my face. My hands never leave her. These are tender moments.

Our trust is in Jesus and in Him alone. Many of you came last night for a prayer and praise time around Rhonda’s bed. I know it meant so very much to her. Although she never roused, her hand reached up to touch my head and gripped my hand tightly when we prayed and sang together to the glory of our Lord.

Your love and prayers have touched us deeply and continue to write the script of Matthews life. Every kindness imprints on his tender heart. Your support has shown us Jesus and kept His love tangible.

I will keep you posted as best I can. In the meantime please pray as the Spirit leads you. My heart is here with my wife, and at the same time with you all as you begin the Pentecost prayer vigil. Come Holy Ghost, fire from on high.

Waiting on Him who is able,


63 thoughts on “Rhonda Update May 21”

  1. Praying for you and your wonderful wife and son. I am so sorry that you all are having to go through this!
    May God have mercy!!!

  2. Lord, we pray for your mercy on this disciple of yours, who so sincerely has sought out your way in her life. Lord we pray for the pressure to sbside, to not damage any nerves. Lord have that pressure be the Holy Spirit filling her, literally, healing her and infusing her with new life. And we pray to share this burden, let us pick up our cross in turn and seek your way. Amen.

  3. I too am just so shocked to hear about Rhonda. I know that God is in charge and a miracle can happen. I just cried and cried when I found out about this and I cried to God too. I listened to Rhonda many times on TV. I pray for her recovery.

  4. Dear Ray David & Matthew,
    Kneeling with you, pleading for grace, mercy and complete healing for our dear Rhonda. All grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

  5. Father God I pray in the precious name of Jesus, that your perfect will be done in Rhondas’ body, I pray you will put loving arms around Ray David & Matthew & extended family. I thank you that you are in control, & I know nothing is to difficult for you. I pray you will send your angels to minister to Rhonda at this time. My heart just breaks for you guys, I just went thru the same thing with my brother last Aug. so I am quite aware of what your going thru. God be with you.

  6. the Lord gave me this scripture as I was praying for Rhonda. Acts 9:36-42

    don’t let the spirits of doubt and unbelief enter your hearts and don’t let them enter Rhonda’s room.
    God’s glory cloud is in that room.

    in fervent prayer, just like Pentecost.

  7. I pray God will just lay it on Billy Richards’ heart to go if it’s from Him…

    Day and night I pray for this family – may God be glorified!

  8. Continuing to pray. My heart is breaking for you. Hold tightly to Him. He is your Rock, your High Tower, your sustenance, your strength. Your All in All.

  9. My sister and I are keeping Rhonda and your family consistently in our prayers — and for a miraclous healing.
    Where there is Life there is Hope. Jesus is the Way, the Life and the Truth. May God bless you with His glorious peace and comfort that passes all understanding, especially during this terribly difficult time.

  10. May the Precious Blood of Christ pour into Rhonda’s body .
    All Honour and Glory are Yours Almighty Father .
    I ask this in the Name of my Redeemer ,Jesus Christ .

  11. Angelica,
    Although I understand that your intentions were probably to help, your post has disappointed me greatly. I attended Queensway Cathedral for over 20 years and am quite aware of who Pastor Billy and Pastor Karen are. With that said, I am absolutely positive that neither of them have ever “saved” a person in their dying moments. Why? Because it is only GOD who can save and only GOD who can heal. To imply that in our time of need we need to call “certain people” to get the job done is so unbiblical and inaccurate that it saddens me to read it.

    When my dad was dying from cancer 15 years ago – MANY MANY people, pastors, leaders prayed over him. As his condition became more grave, someone even suggested calling Benny Hinn – thinking that this would somehow get the job done.

    Angelica – I believe that GOD hears all of our prayers. We are only vessels that HE uses to accomplish HIS divine purpose. And trust me – he doesn’t only use “certain vessels”. He hears the cries of Ray David, and those of hundreds of people that are lifting Rhonda up constantly in prayer. He catches every tear that is shed, hears every plea. And if ultimately it is in his DIVINE PURPOSE to heal Rhonda, then she will be healed by the almighty power of our GOD – who can work through Ray David, their son, Matthew or even a homeless man in Japan. We need not call in Billy or anyone else, for our Father can use ANYONE.

    Instead of using this time to leave his wife’s bedside and make phone calls to ministers all over Ontario, Ray David is doing exactly the right thing. He is holding his beloved wife, loving her, sharing tender moments and praying for her without ceasing. And even more importantly – he is TRUSTING in a God that loves Rhonda even more then he does. And admist all the Whys??? he must be feeling, he has decided to ultimately leave the life of his best friend in her Maker’s hands…knowing that HE created her, and can heal her without the help of mere man.

    I will continue to pray for Rhonda, Ray David, Matthew and their entire family.
    Lord grant this family peace in the midst of this raging storm. Let them know that you never leave them or forsake them and please cover them with your comfort and love.

    • Thank you, Christine for writing the words that were heavy on my heart after reading that same post. My heart is very heavy for this situation, and for a women that I only know from TV. I have cried many tears for her and have prayed for her from my computer chair, as I read the daily postings. I pray healing for Rhonda, and peace and comfort for her son and husband.
      Our GOD is an awesome GOD and he is moving in her hospital room and in fact is there now, I’m sure, holding her and her husband. Whatever his perfect will is, will be done.
      Lord, I ask that your arms will be perfectly wrapped around this family right now. May your love, mercy, perfect peace and comfort carry them through the days ahead. Love them Lord,and may the peace that passes all understanding, reign in these moments.

    • yes, and AMEN Christine and Shannon – you said it SO well… Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer! My dad also passed away from cancer and we were told that if just so and so would have prayed for him he would have been healed… NOT SO – God hears the prayers of the faithful – we are all his children and I am comforted that I am not my own but belong to Him! My daughter was healed from a nasty burn when I, her mother, prayed over her leg and watched the burn disappear – it’s up to God and His plan – may He be glorified!

      • Heavenly Father Johovah Rapha Release your Goodness and your Heavenly virtues to heal Rhonda today Father You said You have spare parts in Heaven that your children didnt claim, I take you at your word and I ask you to release those New parts today for Rhonda’s brain and let your Kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Thank You Lord in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. I believe for the Supernatural, nothing missing nothing broken for your Glory. Halleluia Amen

  12. Ray David, Rhonda and Matthew

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as we rely upon our Almighty God to hold all of you in His tender care. Please know that we ache along with you. One day we will all be reunited with those we love and there will be no more pain or suffering. May God’s peace be with you.

  13. “The prayer of a faithful person availeth much”

    God’s will, will be done.


  14. Hey You Guys!!!
    My heart breaks for you, as you go through this turmoil!!! Ray David, please stay where you are!!! Rhonda needs you, as does Matthew!!! We are still in constant prayer!!! I agree with the post at 12:40ish!!! Rhonda needs you more now, than she ever has before!!! That’s not saying thtat she hasn’t needed you, but with this current situation as it stands, you can’t afford to leave her now!!! My love to all of you, during this trying time!!!

  15. My constant prayers are with all of you at this difficult time. Your strong faith is such a testimony to the love of Jesus Our Lord. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. God Bless you and your family at this very difficult time. The peace of our Savior be with you.

  16. RD,Matthew and Rhonda

    Just letting you and your family know that we are praying for you and think of you every minute of each day. You are forever in our thoughts and prayers. With love and affection to our dearest Rhonda. We love you and pray for you. Margie and friends. God Bless You and watch over you all.

  17. Hi Ray David, Rhonda and Matthew,
    I will continue to keep all of you dear ones in my prayers. Love you all, Rebecca

  18. RD, our hearts are filled to the brim with emotion and with caring and with love. God bless and keep you strong, protect and build up Matty, and be glorified in Rhonda.

    “He only is my rock and my salvation,
    My stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken.” (Psalm 62:2)

    “Hear my cry, Oh God;
    Give heed to my prayer.
    From the end of the earth I call to
    You when my heart is faint;
    Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
    For You have been a refuge for me,
    A tower of strength against the enemie.
    Let me dwell in Your tent forever;
    Let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings.” (Psalm 61: 1-4)

  19. We are praying for the arms of the Father to hold you all. God bless you RD as you comfort Rhonda and Matty at this difficult time.

  20. TRUST

    Reach up as far as you can
    and God will reach down all the way

    Blessings to you Ray David, Matthew and especially Rhonda

  21. “”All things work together for *good* to them that LOVE God.”” Romans 8:28

    “”The Lord thy God…Keepeth covenant and *mercy* with them that LOVE Him.”” Deuteronomy 7:9

    My whole family is in CONSTANT prayer and fasting for precious Rhonda, Ray-David, Mathew and the whole entire family. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD.

  22. I know that God is in that room with you and catching every tear that falls. My you all feel his peace closer than ever.

  23. My heart is heavy for you Ray David. I am so sorry that you are having to go through this difficult time. Gord and I continue to pray for dear Rhonda and you and Matthew. May God give you all the strength you need at this time. With much love and prayer

  24. Continue to be present with Rhonda, Ray David and Matthew as they walk together through this hard time. Watch over your faithful servants. Praise you for holding them and never letting them go. Amen

  25. Yea tho I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me. Thy Rod and staff they comfort me.

    with love and continued supplications and prayers
    Esther Johnston

  26. My heart and my prayers reach out to you and I’m so sorry I live so far away. Please tell Rhonda what a blessing she was to me when I returned to Crossroads in 2003. I remember well our conversations and support of each other. May you know the presence of Jesus in the most profound way as you journey through this most painful human experience. Much love to all 3 of you. Ruby Peckford. Tucson, AZ.

  27. Father, please minister Your peace that passes understanding and Your assurance of Your Love and power to Rhonda’s family and close friends right now. Let them all sense Your presence, the only ‘Presence” that can comfort them and give them hope at this time… God I ask that You wrap Your loving arms around them in a tangible way. And for Rhonda Father, I ask that even in her unresponsive state that she too is especially aware of Your Love for her. God, touch her body with her healing hand.

  28. Rhonda, Ray David and Matthew.
    It is in times of darkest dispear that we find strength in the strong and gently arms of the Saviour. Just simply trust Him, with childlike faith.
    Rhonda you are in the Lord’s hands. He has your path planned.
    We are praying for you all. God Bless.
    Rufus and Daphne

    • As I was reading the update on Rhonda tonight, the Holy Spirit reminded me “that it’s Friday but Sunday’s coming”! We declare over Rhonda that “Greater is He that is in Rhonda than he that is in the world” and “NO WEAPON formed against her will prosper”. This sickness is not unto death and she will live and not die and declare the glory of the Lord! PTL! We plead the blood of Jesus over Rhonda as we know Satan cannot cross that bloodline and we pray for sweet sleep and rest for Ray David and Matthew, Vivian and all other family members.

      • Amen!!!!!!
        I am in agreement. The Lord says and I am also remembering a song that I Love that it says I am The Lord Your Healer, I sent my Word and Heal Your disease……May The Lord Strengthen all of you we are victorious in his name. Love All of You In Christ, Kathy:)

  29. Cherish every moment you have with her, she is very special, especially to Matthew. Please everyone, continue to pray for Rhonda. Take care & LOVE to you all.

  30. Hi RayDavid, Rhonda and Matthew,
    I’ve been praying for you daily since I heard about Rhonda. My heart is breaking for you in these difficult days. You are so strong in your Faith and just what Rhonda and Matthew need at this time.
    Psalm 71:12 Oh God do not be far from me. Oh my God make haste to help me.
    God Bless, Marilyn.

  31. Dear Glenn and Rhonda,

    I admire you both a lot. Rhonda you are in prayers, please be encouraged and continue to Trust in God. He will continue to strengthen you and heal you…..I believe in Miracles and I know that You do too and that You, Glenn and Matthew are in his Hands. May The Lord send His Angels all around you and cover you with his precious Blood from the crown of your head to the tip of your toes. Remember He is Our God, Our Healer and Our Strength. Mom and I will continue to pray for you and your family. May the Lord Bless You Abundantly and continue to Guard you In Jesus Name I Pray. Love in Christ, Kathy:)

  32. My heart is so heavy as I’ve read this latest update on dear Rhonda. Since hearing of her condition I have shed many tears and prayed continually for God to work a miracle if that be His will. He knows the plans He has for you all and so we must trust Him in all of this. I have prayed tonight that you will know His presence in a very real and special way during these hours and that the precious Holy Spirit will give you comfort during these trying times.

  33. I too pray so often for Rhonda, for Ray David and little Matthew. Jesus, we know you intercede to the Father for us and you are holding Rhonda in your wonderful arms. Even though she may not be responsive some times a person can still hear others talking and know who is in the room from the voice. Love her, kiss her, hold her hand, hold her and Matthew also can give mom some kisses and love. She loves you both so, what precious memories you are being given.
    We just do not know what life holds, but we do know Who holds our lives, if we know Him. His promise is He is always near and will never leave us. What a Saviour we serve.
    Our hearts go out to you, Ray David and Matthew, this is a very difficult time and things are happening so very quickly. Big hugs to you both.

  34. Heavenly Father, Cradle them in your everlasting arms. Let your glory shine in Rhonda’s room, around her, around Ray David, and little Matthew. Let them know the love that surrounds them.

  35. I feel I must write again .Our Lord knows what is on all our hearts as we bring dear Rhonda, Rae David and special Matthew into His wonderous presence for the blood of Jesus for complete healing, comfort.
    Dear Lord meet the needs of this wonderful family.
    Joyce Mikulcik Saskatoon

  36. With great sadness and huge faith in a Mighty God, I pray without ceasing for dear Rhonda and you Ray David and for little Matthew.
    God Bless Your every need,

  37. Dear Ray David and Rhonda, I was so sorry to hear of Rhonda’s illness on 100 Huntley Street and am praying for you to just know God’s peace. He has promised to never ever leave nor forsake you and will only give you what you can handle. I pray that God gives you the strength to handle this heavy burden and that He also gives you the peace of God not of this old world. Let this peace just pour all over you both like a pot full of honey!! God bless you all, Ray David, Rhonda, Matthew, and also Ray and Cynthia. God is in control and He does ALL things well. We just have to stand on His promises and rest in His arms.

  38. My heart, literally hurts today/night, as I pray for the Glenn family. I cried earlier tonight, when I read the update as this is a very difficult time for Ray and Mattew and Rhonda. I am sure that God is watching over the Glenn family! My husband and I will continue to pray tonight, before bed, that the Lord give strength and love to Rhonda and the Glenn family! I feel as though I may cry some more; I am touched by the love that you all share with one another!

    Peace and Love,

  39. The only possible thing I can think of to right upon hearing this sad news is that God is the master of love and His way is perfect. I still am praying for a miracle. I won’t stop praying for a miracle.
    Please know that you are being upheld 24 hours, and I take the night shift as well as the afternoon and in the early morning. When I awaken I am praying.
    Psalm 91 He hides you under the shelter of his wings and is never ever away from you.
    Dear ones, I am with you.
    stay strong

  40. Ray David,
    It’s been just a couple days since we talked & I’m saddened how quickly things have turned. My thoughts, worry & heavy heart for what you are being faced with has left me unable to sleep tonight. A sign from God that another prayer is needed before we rest our heads?
    Your updates are so appreciated and have shed many tears as we realize yours & Matthew’s fears.
    May God watch over you tonight, Rhonda…rest well.
    Love to you all.
    The Newsteads

  41. My heart is heavy for the Glenn family. I continue to prayer for God to perform a miracle and let our dear Rhonda live to witness to his power and glorify Him forever.

  42. Christine, shannon and Louise:
    This comments area is one to be lifting up The Glenn family and to be Glorifying our Lord, not one meant to be getting into arguing the rights and wrongs of personal intentions. While i agree with your comments, I note that Angelica’s comments are not to be found on this blog.

    Let’s remember that Joshua was told to “be strong and of good courage” many times. Let’s also remember that God will answer all of our prayers according to His will and in His time.

    I am so encouraged by Ray David’s writings and his incredible faith at this time of trial. I feel that all of His Congregation and all persons who become aware of this situation will be blessed by it, regardless of the final outcome because God is being so glorified through all of it.

    I continue to pray for Rhonda and that she will be healed through this to complete restoration well knowing that sometimes the healings come in ways we do not understand. I continue to pray for Ray David and for their son Matthew, that through it all, their (and ours) beliefs and Faith will be strengthened and that their (and ours) love of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost will be strengthened.

    Hebrews 11:1 – “Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”

  43. Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Great Physician, Three in One, One in Three, our Triune God, I humbly beseech you to work a miracle in this situation and please, if it is your kind and good will, bring dear Rhonda back to us. In this whole situation we want your Name lifted up and glorified. Cover Ray David and Matthew under Your precious wings and do not let them go from You. For their sakes please bring Rhonda back to them. Oh how they need her especially Matthew. Thank you for your love, your mercy, your faithfulness in all of this. In the mighty Name of Jesus I pray and thank you in advance for Your divine answer.

  44. As soon as I heard on 100 huntely street that Rhonda was not well and that updates could be read on this website, I have been here daily reading and sliently lifting her and her family up to heaven and join with my fellow believers.
    As we read today that Rhonda’s life is being threathen by this cancer in her brain; I ask Father that if it be your will that you touch that tumor and stop it from growing, but rather Lord, make it start to get smaller. I believe you are using her and RD and especially Matthew’s fath to lead other caner patients and their families to a saving knowledge of you.
    Thank you that even thou they are walking thur this un-known and this test that they are leaning on You and your promises like never before.
    Daddy, I ask that you fill Rhonda,RD and Matthew and the hostipal room with a speical touch of your presence,peace and love. Give each of the strength require to make it through each new trail that they may face today.
    In Jesus Name I pray amen.

  45. So many people deeply sorrowful for what your family is going through, and praying for you, and so glad that the shunt helped Rhonda’s pain

  46. Ray David,Matthew,Rhonda.
    The scripture say’s that the prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and God will raise them up, Faith can move mountains, so by faith i’m believing that God can move this mountain for you.While i was lifting Rhonda up in Prayer this afternoon,in my spirit i could see Jesus standing by Her bed with His hands upon Her head. I believe the word for thee hour is stand back and see the salvation of our God.If He could raise Lazarus after being in the tomb for four days, He can heal Rhonda, Father God In Jesus Name, The Name that is above all cancers or whatever sickness that take control of our Bodies, We Pray to You now Jesus in faith believing that you hear and answer prayer. We stand on your word that says You have a plan and a purpose for Rhonda, and that plan is to give her a hope and a future that plan is not to harm her but to give Her health total health Jesus in your Name. I pray that that tumor will disolve now in Jesus Name.
    Rita Russell

  47. i am agrreeing in prayer with my fellow sisters and brothers in Christ…to God be the glory!!!!!!!

  48. i am still praying for rhonda gleen her son and huband and family and freinds candywhite

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