Remembering Rhonda Part 1

This is a video segment from 100 Huntley Street entitled, ‘Remembering Rhonda’.

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22 thoughts on “Remembering Rhonda Part 1”

  1. I am so saddened by this devastating news. Rhonda is an angel, now residing in heaven.I pray for her dear husband and precious Matthew at this difficult time. May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with the immediate family.

  2. Dearest Heavenly Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Three-in One-
    Thank You for Rhonda and the incredible witness that she is and for the love and witness of Ray David and Matthew. We pray with all of our hearts for Ray David and Matthew, family and friends in this incredibly difficult time of grieving and sadness. We pray for their faith to be upheld and strengthened. May Your loving arms hold them especially close today and in the days ahead. May Your arms enfold Rhonda as you welcome her home to You – where pain and suffering are no more. Lord, thank You for the love You have for this family that bears witness to You – a love that has spread throughout the world. May we all be inspired to continue to pray daily for their needs.
    In the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ-

  3. Praying for GOD’s love & peace with you Pastor Glenn, Matthew & Rhonda’s mom & the family. We love you all & we will be lifting you up in prayer.
    Love, Kelly

  4. We are heart broken for you Pastor Glenn. We remember Rhonda when she was the news anchor at our local t.v. station in Pembroke, On. She was involved in our church and was a wonderful lady. You will be in our prayers through this difficult time. For those who new and loved her we are so sorry. Our loss…Heavens gain…may our Lord comfort you…with sympathy and prayers…Kim & Jeff Foss

  5. Thank you for Rhonda being a blessing to me in my life. I really enjoyed watching 100 Huntley Street. I loved her and cared about her because even though we were great distant friends.
    Love your distant friend, Rebecca

  6. Rhonda, Rhonda, Rhonda, how you changed my life! The scene in this video of you walking into the little boys hospital room with the shoe box so very much reminds me of the first time we met when you walked into mine in Hamilton! I cannot believe the events of the last month and yet on some level I can, you have brought together so many people, you, Ray-David and Matthew through sharing your journey and allowing us to pray for you… Though we had not spoken in some time, I miss you now. I hope the box we sent made it to you and you were able to here the words I wanted to share with you about how you changed my life, and I am sure through this journey have changed many, many more. My heart and prayers are with you Ray-David and Matthew, Matthew will always know his mothers love for him and that is a treasure he will carry throughout his life. May God Watch Over you and sooth you all through this time.

    God Bless You,

  7. I have been so impacted by Rhonda’s passing. She was an amazing advocate for Christianity and how much Christ loves us all.I pray for peace for her family at this very difficult time.

  8. I am soooo saddened by this news. Rhonda was such a beautiful person – inside and out. What a privilege to have been in her company via 100 Huntley. May the peace of the Lord be with her family. You all will be lifted up in prayer.

  9. Rhonda is a reminder of the amazing way we can shine God’s light in the world. Rhonda shone brightly. Although I did not know her personally her time at 100 Huntley street was a gift to many people including me. May her legacy through her family remain and her unwavering faith be an encouragement to many. My deepest sympathy to your community and to the Glenn family.

  10. I am so sorry for your loss Ray-David and Matthew. I was friends with Rhonda when she lived in Pembroke..I can remember the times we prayed for her Father and his salvation and how God answered because he is so faithful!
    I pray that you will find everything you need in your Heavely Father’s embrace!!!

    • Hi Rev. Pauline
      I was in Thunder Bay two days ago and stopped to visit you at The Rock Worship Centre but it was no longer open. I had wanted to stop and see you and say thank you for what you and your friends did for me and Debbie a few years ago. You probably do not remember the event and I would love to bring you up to speed on what transpired as it is truly a miracle that only belief and prayers can explain. I hope this gets through to you.



  11. I just happened to turn on the last segment of 100 Huntley street this evening. Right away I witnessed Ray David and his beautiful wife Rhonda talking about their love for each other. My husband settled in next to me on the couch and we thought it was a TV special on love, and commitment (marriage). Afterwards the Mainses (hosts of 100 Huntley) announced the great loss of Ray David’s wife Rhonda and immediately I felt so much pain for this man of God and his son. I began to search the web to see what had happened to her and I was so inspired when I found the blog of Ray David. I could hardly believe the tremendous faith he demonstrated as he shared so openly with others about his wife’s recent battle and her passing. I want you to know, Ray David, if you read this that your faith is not in vain. I am sitting here, as I’m sure many others who have also heard the news, and very inspired (and challenged) to want to make each day count for the Lord. I am struck with the reality of how futile many of our earthly endeavors can be. I am turning 30 years old this weekend, am married and we have 4 wonderful children. I know that the legacy I want to leave for them (and for future descendants) is like the one you Ray David, and your wife, have demonstrated for us:a legacy of living for Jesus and serving others in love.

    Thank you for having the courage to share your journey with us in this very difficult time. I am thinking of you and your son tonight. I know God will be your comforter, as only He can.


  12. I am sooo saddened to hear of the loss of Rhonda – so young and so vibrant. My prayers will be for Ray David and Matthew and all who knew her well. Having lost our 28-year-old daughter almost 3 years ago, I keenly feel their pain and loss. It helped me to say, “she has gone ahead”. May the God of all comfort support her family in the lonely days ahead. Although, I live in the most western part of Canada, Vancouver Island, and have never personally met Rhonda, I share this grief with the rest of the Huntley Street family. I was truly blessed by Rhonda’s life and ministry.

  13. I quietly write this message of sympathy to you Ray David and to you Matthew and to all of your precious family. We sorrow along side of you as we remember with great affection your beautiful wife and Mommy. Rhonda surely left the indelable blueprints of how to live the Christian life and we Huntley Street viewers have been blessed beyond words Ray David and Matthew.

    God Bless you all,

  14. I worked with Rhonda in Pembroke – me in print, her in television. She was a true professional and also one of the nicest people I have ever met. Heaven is a little brighter today now that she has gone home, while earth is a little darker. As a member of St. Luke’s in Pembroke (ANiC), I have been praying for Rhonda and her family this week once I learned of the tumour. For the family, I pray they will be filled with the Holy Spirit who will help them find peace as they grieve her loss. Jesus walks with us through the dark times. He is our light in dark places. God bless.

  15. My deepest sympathy goes out to you, Ray David, Matthew, and your family. I did not know Rhonda personally but most sincerely loved her when she co-hosted 100 Huntley Street. May the God of all love and grace hold you all in the palm of His hand and give you the comfort, peace and love that only He can give.

  16. I was saddened this morning when I tuned into 100 Huntley St. and heard Anne mention the word “memories.”
    I hadn’t heard that Rhonda had gone on to be with the Lord yet as i am away from home for a couple of months. The last I heard about Rhonda was that she was diagnosed with a brain tumor,so what a shock when I heard them talking about her memories. It was such a shock. I lost my husband when I was 34 years old and was left with two small children;a daughter 6 years old and a son only 3 and a half. I thought my life was over and I couldn’t go on, BUT JESUS,carried me through the funeral and gave me a strength that was totally supernatural. God was so close to me during that time. It was like I could reach out and touch Him. My Bible came alive to me as I was actually living the words on the written page. I wanted to eat my Bible as it became living bread for me. It was feeding my soul;like manna from heaven!
    I never felt that close to God before or since. God gives you the grace to go through trials like that. May
    the Lord grant you the same grace He gave me to go through your trial. God bless you and your family.

  17. Prayers come from Nova Scotia for Rev. Ray David, Matthew, family and friends in the passing of Rhonda into the Lord’s arms. Rhonda was one of the people who drew me to 100 Huntley several years ago now and she had the light of Christ shining through her, making us want what she had. Thank you, Rhonda. God bless!

  18. I am so sorry I have missed it all, I am in shock, I come today to say my deepest sympathy to the Glenn family at thepassing of Rhonda. Ray David and Matthew I don’t have to tell you this but the sun rise she received on May 26 will never go down until we see her again, but my heart cries today, an I pray that God will keep you strong in him and be there always holding you up and know that his support will never break. Yes she is a light that used and I believes that he will continue to use to bring men and women to the Kingdom of God. Thank you Rhonda and may the comfort God flow.


  19. Hello Ray David and Matthew,
    You showed such grace and love for both your Lord Jesus Christ and Rhonda at the events, Visitation, Funeral Service and graveside.
    Rhonda was truly blessed to have you as her husband and son. Now that she has gone to be with her Lord, please remember that Jesus remains the same. He never changes. He never fails. There are many things that we do not understand, however, He sees the big picture. So continue to TRUST IN THE LORD without weavering. He will sustain you.
    Mathew, we love you. We will continue to pray for you and your Daddy. Continue to love and trust in Jesus. Jesus loves you. God Bless.

  20. Wow, to see this video of Rhonda, how beautiful she is and how compassionate, her love for her Lord. I so remember her on Huntley, her unique giggle, her shyness, such love she shared for you Ray David and she was so happy to be a mom and spoke of her precious Matthew.You both will always have such wonderful memories and now she is with Jesus! You both will see her again, what a wonderful promise.
    We don’t know why things happen as they do, but God does and what a witness Rhonda is even now for His goodness, His love, His faithfullness and to draw others to Him.
    I never knew her personally, just enjoyed her on Huntley,
    and she has touched so many lives.
    God’s blessing to you Ray David and to you Matthew, always remember her deep love for you both. What a gift you were given.

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