Ray David Update June 1

June 1st, 2010

Dear St. George’s Family,

It has now been 6 days since Rhonda’s passing and I am writing with a few things on my heart.

First I write to thank you. The love you showed my family will never be forgotten. You have all brought us great comfort and, more importantly, you have brought glory to your Master. Truly, every kindness has been a sign of the His Kingdom breaking through into our daily life and suffering.

The visitation was intended to last from 3pm-5pm and then from 7pm-9pm. Instead we went straight through from 3pm – 10:30pm. Many of you waited over 2 hours to greet Matthew and me. Thank you.

I was especially moved at the funeral service. Archbishop Duncan led over 800 people in a celebration of Rhonda’s life and the celebration of our sure and certain hope in the resurrection of the dead. Bishop Charlie’s sermon was spot on. Rhonda’s word’s, “Nothing bad can happen to me. I belong to Jesus,” echoed St. Paul’s, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Thank you Charlie. I know that Rhonda was singing in heaven as Bryan and Scott played “Be Thou My Vision” and we all joyfully choked back tears as Bill Foley led the congregation in the last verse of Love Divine; “’Till we cast our crowns before Thee, lost in wonder, love and praise.” Fr. Darrell Critch pulled together a most appropriate service. Darrell, you are a gifted man and a dear friend.

Rhonda would have been pleased.

Second I write to update you on where Matthew and I find ourselves now. We have spent the last three days hugging each other and riding our bicycles. I have been graced with the gift of denial. It all still feels surreal. However, there are moments when the reality of our loss washes over me. Those times hurt beyond words. Please pray for us.

The wardens of St. George’s have graciously given Matthew and me the next month to circle the wagons of our little family. We plan to be back to church in early July and look forward to seeing you all then.

Not one moment of suffering is ever wasted in God’s economy. He will redeem this loss. In the meantime we will honour Rhonda’s memory by pressing in to her Lord.

After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. So Jesus said to the Twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life,  and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.” John 6:66-69

Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks for everything. Don’t quench the Spirit.

With great love and in deep faith,


38 thoughts on “Ray David Update June 1”

  1. Hi Ray David,
    Thank you so much for the update. My husband and I have been praying for you and Matthew since we heard about Rhonda’s illness and passing. Words can’t express what you must be going through at this moment. I know you loved Rhonda very much and her absence must be very hard to take. Although we are Christians, we still grieve and miss the people we loved very much. Thank you for being so honest and for expressing your need for prayer. By your example, Matthew is learning that it’s okay to cry and grieve. Cling to the Lord and He will give you the grace to go through every day one small step at a time. If you can, please keep us updated by posting a blog so that we know how to pray for you.
    We are praying for you.
    Pascale & Carlo

  2. My dear friend and brother in Christ,
    Your words and sentiment echo this morning’s reading I was priviliged to take in from Charles Spurgeon’s “Devotions:”
    “What our heavenly Father ordains is wise and good. What then, my soul, is best for me to do? I must first learn to be content with God’s divine order of things and be willing, just as Job was, to “accept good from God, and… trouble” (Job 2:10) Next, I must determine to have rejoicing flow from my life in the morning and the evening. I must praise the Lord for the sun of joy when it rises and for the gloom of evening when it falls. There is beauty in both the sunrise and the sunset, so I should sing of it and glorify the Lord.”

    You are the man I met a few years ago in a Café in Etobicoke, at the beginning of my journey with the Lord. While the pain is real, yet unimaginable for me, I have no doubt that God will bless you richly. He has a firm grip on you and Matthew already.

  3. Dear Brother In Christ Ray David (Glenn),

    Thank you for the update. I wanted to go to Toronto for Rhonda’s funeral but could not, I was there in Spirit and thought. My heart goes out to you and Matthew both of you are always in my prayers. May both of you be strengthen and encouraged in the Name of Jesus I pray. Love in Christ, Kathy Cardozo:)

  4. Hey Ray David,
    While this is still fresh, and believe me I feel for you!!! Try to remember that Rhonda isn’t in anymore pain!!! I remember watching her on CHRO, in Ottawa!!! I was looking back at old footage, and boy!!! She was just as beautiful, inside and out, as she was when she died!!! Her vibrancy, was amazing!!! I’m only a message away, if you need anything!!!

  5. I asked my husband Ray last night: how can we pray for Ray David and Matthew.

    I felt speachless.
    It is just hard to only pray a simpel prayer.
    Lord teach me to pray for what they need right now cause just imagining how they may feel brings me to tears… like you said it Ray David: it feels subreal for you sometimes.

    We send our love praying our Glorious Jesus to inhabit the four chambers of your hearts. Yes more Father. May they bound with you in a beautiful unique way. Give them your rest, your sweet rest and peace. Overshadows them sweet Holy Spirit

    I see His love in this song♥


  6. Dear Ray David & Matthew,
    I’m Donalda Erickson a partner at Huntley & a Close friend of Moira & Richards. I just wanted to let you both know how much You are Loved & Prayed for. Last night the Lord had you on my mind until 4:30 AM(AB time) Thank you so much
    for sharing Your Heart with us. Ray David I have Prayed for You & Rhonda since you Marriage. Both Your Love for each other & for Our Lord Shone so Bright!!! I know it will continue to Shine!!! Rhonda IS beautiful and Cheering you both on. I will ALWAYS Be Praying for You Both (RD & Matthew) I Give You My Word. Donalda Erickson, Lethbridge, AB.

  7. I will continue in pray for you Ray David Matthew and the entire family, may god bless and watch over you all.

  8. Dear Ray David and Matthew,
    I always enjoy your updates! All of you are blessings to me in my life. I will always continue to pray for you both and ask God to continue to comfort and strengthen all of you.

  9. You have been an inspiration to me. Your courage and faith has given me renewed hope and faith. Rhonda was such a beautiful woman of God and she inspired me many times as she spoke. Although I do not know you or Mathew I have felt a deep desire to pray for the both of you. I was deeply inspired when you said that we need to live out our faith thru blessings and sufferings. It is during the difficult times like this that we can truly be a light and an inspiration for others who are suffering. I thank you for sharing with us and I will continue to pray for your family.

  10. Dear RD:

    Thank you for sharing with us, and letting everyone know how you and Matthew are doing. I know this has been on hundreds of our minds and hearts who did not even know your amazing wife.

    It was interesting and of course heart-wrenching to read your words, “…..It all still feels surreal. However, there are moments when the reality of our loss washes over me. Those times hurt beyond words. Please pray for us.”

    I know I speak for so many of us when I say we understand this; it is a very strange experience. And YES – know we ARE praying for you and Matthew, and all Rhonda’s family and friends, and will continue to do so.

    I was devasted, shattered and totally heartbroken in 2004 when I lost the love of my life very suddenly. Via email in a response to my grief and cry for help on Crossroads’ site, Rhonda graciously comforted me then as she took precious time out of her own very busy life to encourage me, pray for me, and point me to Jesus.

    I will always remember that and be thankful for her, and do the same now for her own family as you continue on without her. And in your darkest hour please always remember that because of Jesus, it’s not “goodbye” but “we’ll see you later”.

    With God’s love and deepest respect,

    Karen R.

  11. He is with Us Always… as i continue to pray for you and Matthew and all the lies ahead as we too juouney towards home… when the loss washes over you..let it have its way..then keep going…
    Blessings and my favourite you quoted …where else could we go Lord …You have the Words of Life….thank you Jesus…

    Diane McCooeye

  12. Please know Ray David our continued thoughts & prayers are with you, Matthew & extended family.

  13. Ray David,
    You and Matthew have been, and will continually be, in my prayers.I am a teacher — this week every boy with dark hair or sparkling eyes like Mattew’s– have assisted me to “pray without ceasing.’You are bathed in prayer from people around the world. Try to remember how very loved you are.

  14. Ray David,
    You and Matthew have been, and will continually be, in my prayers.I am a teacher — this week every boy with dark hair or sparkling eyes like Mattew’s– have assisted me to “pray without ceasing.’You are bathed in prayer from people around the world. Try to rest in the comfort of the prayers being offered on your behalf. You are loved.

  15. You and Matthew are ever in our thoughts and prayers as you walk through this difficult journey.

  16. Just to say we continue to pray for you all as you work your way through the aftermath of the past month. We pray His love and presence will be your portion.

  17. although I am not a member of your church community, I have been following the journey since april 28th. My heart remains somewhat heavy for Ray David and Matthew, but I also have a real sense of God in the middle of this situation. I continue to pray daily for you both and each time that the Lord brings you to mind I always stop to pray. Thank you for your words and sharing your feelings during this very hard time.
    May God bless you, shine on you and fill you with peace that passes all understanding.

  18. Loving you both Pastor Ray David & Matthew & your family & lifting you up daily to our LORD.
    GOD is using your Love for Him, your Love for each other & your son to be a light to all of us.
    Thousand have seen your “Love Story” & there is no doubt in my mind that it is showing me & thousands of others “how to love GOD & each other.”

    Thank you for this gift you have given us. With Love, Prayers & Hugs, Kelly

  19. Ray David,
    So beautiful to hear that you are pressing in closer to the Lord.
    “I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit. And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love.”
    Ephesians 3:16-17

  20. Ray David,
    Words can’t even express what we are feeling for you, Matthew and your parents and other siblings. You are just a close family and and know you are grieving together.
    I so wish John and I could have been there at Rhonda’s service but distance just couldn’t come home from BC.
    I asked the ladies in our prayer group yesterday to continue to pray for you and Matthew.
    You know we love you but remember God loves you even more and He is your great Comforter.
    When we come home to Ontario, we will certainly make a point of connecting with you and giving you a big hug.
    May God sustain you as you go through all the phases of your grief journey and may He fill you with His peace.
    We love you brother.
    John & Jean Anderson

  21. Another heartfelt, beautifully scripted letter. RD continues to minister to all of us through his pain and loss, and I find my faith is strenghthened by the passages of Scripture he quotes. Losing your spouse is something I understand all too well, and the only way to reconcile yourself to this separation is to give praise to God for His mercies and thank Him that we will be re-united someday. John 3:16


  22. my deepest sympathies as Ray David and Matthew continue to grow in the Lord thru this grieving period. My continued prayers are with Ray David and his family…

    all my love.

  23. Hi Ray David & Mathew
    Just want you to know that ever since I read about Rhonda’s cancer I’ve been praying for your family. Then I got the news that she is gone, I can’t explain how I feel. I never met you guys but I feel like I know you. My prayers are with you and Matthew and I am asking others to pray for Rhonda’s mom and the rest of the family. May you all find the PEACE of God that passes all understanding. Love and praying for you.


  24. Would like to encourage to “Carry on Christian Soldier”, being the best Christian dad a son could hope for.

  25. Dear Ray-David and Matthew,

    I’m a relatively new Christian but I do remember seeing Rhonda on 100 Huntley Street. The news of her passing has hit me so hard and I find myself crying for your loss. I watched the YouTube video of your life together and I think the thing that saddens me the most was that you both had it totally figured out. Your love was real and God was at the centre of it. I think the thing that stood our the most was when you said that love is a verb. Few couples understand that and its so hard to find someone who shares your faith and trust God in all circumstances.
    My prayers are with you both and I pray the Father holds you both so tight during the times when the pain is unbearable.

  26. Rest in peace,dear sweet Rhonda. I only knew you from Huntley St. but I thank God for giving me the chance to know & love you and your precious family. Rhonda had such a grace & light around her. Such a brilliant mind. Such a loving wife & mother. She has touched many lives and so have you Ray David. So beautiful on the inside & out. I pray that God will be close to all who loved her, especially her immediate family. Sh always spoke of Matthew with such love & joy. I find myself praying for both of you in the middle of the night. Ps 116.15 “The Lord cares deeply when His loved ones die.”

  27. We continue in loving and heartfelt prayers for Matthew and you. We do not know you personally, but feel we do through the media. I wake up at night and the Holy Spirit will prompt me to pray, I can be washing dishes and bingo I need to pray. God has set us in a body and we are not alone, Matthew is not alone, you are not alone. May you be ever conscious of His dear presence and that Rhonda too is there.xx

  28. I will continue to pray for you , Matthew and the entire Glenn Family.

  29. Thank you for your update Ray David. Its so nice to know that you have this month off. May God continue to strengthen and encourage you and Matthew moment by moment during this very delicate time. Thank God that you and Rhonda had a month to get ready to say goodbye as so many family members have passed away suddenly and unexpectedly.

  30. What a mighty woman of God, she did demonstrate her love for Christ in many different ways. May her soul rest in peace and my prayers are with all her family members. God will continue to comfort you all.

  31. Sandra, she passed away from an inoperable brain tumour. She only found out near the end of April and on May 27, she passed from this earth. Such a sad story but such strength and love shown by her husband, Ray David. Thank God He has made a way for us all to be re-united someday.

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