Ray David Update

September 3, 2010


My Dear St. George’s Family,


Slightly more than 3 months has passed since Rhonda’s untimely death.

So many have asked how we are doing that I thought it time for another update.

Matthew and I visited the grave for the first time a week ago. We finally felt that we had the strength. I was shocked to discover that the grass had almost fully covered the now level spot where Rhonda’s body awaits the resurrection at the Last Day. I was expecting to see a mound of dirt remaining – some tangible evidence that Rhonda’s body was there. This almost drove me to despair. Could it be that only three months after a full life the only thing left is a spot in the earth that wouldn’t be identifiable without a stone marker? Most certainly not.

Sitting by her graveside with my 8-year-old son I began coming to terms with the many lasting markers of Rhonda’s life. The sum total of the meaning of her life is not found in a shrine in a cemetery at our country parish church but in the myriad lives she touched and made a little brighter. Her life’s legacy is one of bringing glory to God by allowing the good news of Jesus to spill over from her to her friends and family. Rhonda had confidence beyond the grave, deep and abiding confidence in a strong, willing and trustworthy Saviour whose death, burial and resurrection forms the pattern for all of His people.

And so I am back to work. Matthew is preparing to begin school. Life goes on.

Thank you all for your kind notes, emails and phone calls. I remain sad and lonely, but find Jesus is my portion. His Words of life sustain me. I am learning to be a single dad and discovering that life will be very different. Already the passage of time has made life more manageable. Joy breaks through in unexpected moments. Matthew and I find the ‘our hearts are not as heavy’.

I have resumed my responsibilities as chairman of church planting in the Anglican Network in Canada, as a director of the Anglican 1000 project in the Anglican Church in North America and as rector of St. George’s. My emotional bandwidth is limited and so I am grateful that Ken, Greg, Garth and Keith will continue looking after individual pastoral concerns. But please rest assured, I love you and pray for you all often.

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all you do be done in love. St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

With deep love and faith,




19 thoughts on “Ray David Update”

  1. Glad to hear the update Ray, our thoughts and prayers are with you both, we are confident the Lord will continue to sustain you both. Hi Mathew we will be praying for you as you start school. God bless both of you.

  2. Thank you for sharing with us your journey and transparency. Your testimony help us to see the bigger picture of the Life and the Truth of our Lord with a fresh perspective.

    Mathew and you are highly favored♕

    Peace, love and joy!


  3. Thanks RD for the update on you & Matthew. I have thought about you and prayed for you both manys a times since Rhonda’s untimly death. I understand that life must go on and that memories are the only evidence of her life but Thank God for the full life she did live in Christ Jesus. Keep the faith my brother and continue to hold unto the hand that’s holding yours

  4. We continue to keep you in our prayers. Our son Ryan had sent Matthew a letter and picture, etc. May the Lord continue to be your strength. Thinking of Matthew as he begins school.

  5. Thank you so very much for your update on this journey that you and little Mattie continue to walk. I have not stopped praying for you and Mattie daily and will continue to pray until you ask me to stop. I have been praying this week for you as you prepare Mattie for school that God would strengthen and encourage you! Many blessings to you both always…with love from a praying mother/grandmother!

  6. Dear Ray David and Matthew, it has been a few months since Rhonda’s passing… I still find it hard to believe as I am sure you do. I hope that you are settling into your new situation with God’s help. I cannot tell you how often I think of you all. At one of the camps where I volunteer there is a beautiful stone op…en air chapel with a floating cross and a cross further down on the waterfront and while sitting in there I have prayed for you all and for you to find continued peace and comfort in the months to come. I hope Matthew had fun with the little trinkets we sent and I hope the journal proves to be a place where he can write his deepest thoughts and feelings. May God Bless You both. I have carried Rhonda’s words with me since I first read them that she belonged to Jesus and nothing bad could happen to her…. how smart a woman she was… All Our Love, Karrie, Jesslynn and Colton (I originally put this on the facebook group but it seemed to sum up how I felt after reading your update…still praying for you all and still missing a wonderful woman…”

  7. Hello Ray David and Matthew
    I am praying for you and matthew. I feel empty without Rhonda not being around. When she was at crossroads she helped me out a whole lot, as you did when ever you were on nite lite or on crossroads. I never had to say anything when I went to crossroads God was speaking through the both of you. thank you for your help. It helped me to get to where God wants.
    Always in my prayers. Even during making arrangements to go to the mission fields again.
    Love you and Matty in the Lord

    Rev Brenda Lang

  8. Hello Ray David and Matthew: Thanks so much for your update. I am not a member, nor do I attend St. George’s. I listen to 100 Huntley and am on Crossroads mailing list. I continue to lift you and Matthew before our Lord’s Throne of grace and mercy. I hope Matthew had a good birthday celebration on 10 August. I sent him a happy birthday note via this website.

    I pray that God would continue to strengthen and comfort the both of you. I pray that Matthew will have a successful and prosperous school year, with the Lord’s help.


  9. Continuing always to pray that you will be kept in the shadow of the almighty and know that Peace that passes all understanding and keeps our hearts. I cannot know your pain but I know our God.

  10. Ray David you and Matthew have continued to be in my prayers. Thank you for this update. I have been wondering how you were doing and the progress you are making.

    It is wonderful to believe that God knows the plans He has for you. He has a special calling on your life and I know will continue to watch over you and Matthew and lead you in His ways.

    I watched you and Rhonda faithfully when you were both on
    CTS and was so thankful for your ministry and insights into God’s Word.

    God bless you.


  11. Thank you for updating us, R.D. You and Matthew are constantly in so many hearts, thoughts and prayers.
    God bless you and hold you both in His perfect peace.

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