Nourish the Soul

Matthew began grade 5 today. After an entire summer of rising early to take on some adventure or other, my dear son chose to sleep in today.

I woke him up, made him an egg, hash brown and orange juice.  I then packed his lunch, complete with a few little treats.  The proper nourishment of his body is important.

I ran the shower and set out a new pair of shorts, a brand new, clean white shirt and shiny sneakers.  I combed his hair and insisted that he brush his teeth.  Caring for his appearance is vital.

We were about to rush out the door when a thought hit me like a ton of bricks.

I have nourished his body and cared for his outer appearance. What about his soul?

Our harried pace allowed us enough time to sit down, read from the scriptures and pray.

Parents, consider the amount of time we spend adorning our children’s outer appearance and nourishing their bodies.  Place a greater priority on nourishing their souls.


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