
At Godsong this month, we looked at Psalm 34:

“I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!” Psalm 34:1-3

The line ‘Oh, magnify the Lord with me’ really jumped out at me. When I hear the word “magnify” it makes me think about 2 things: microscopes and telescopes. A microscope takes a tiny, minuscule thing and makes it appear larger than it actually is. A telescope takes an enormous object, like a star, and magnifies it to appear a little closer to it’s actual size. We are called as christians to be the latter – to be telescopes. God is larger than we can imagine and his handiwork can be seen all around us, but sometimes we can become blind and numb to his greatness. We need his glory to be magnified so that we can see it for what it truly is.

We talked at Godsong about how as worship leaders we are telescopes. Through the use of music, and words we are called to inspire people to see God’s beauty and majesty. We magnify Him and declare his greatness.

As true christians, our very lives magnify God. Through our love for one another, through our acts of mercy, through or peace through times of suffering we are magnifying God and showing his power at work within us. God chooses the weak things of this world, so that his strength can be clearly seen through them.

John Piper writes, “Christians are not called to be con-men who magnify their product out of all proportion to reality, when they know the competitor’s product is far superior. There is nothing and nobody superior to God. And so the calling of those who love God is to make his greatness begin to look as great as it really is. The whole duty of the Christian can be summed up in this: feel, think, and act in a way that will make God look as great as he really is.

Be a telescope.

Magnify Him in all that you do. Rejoice in your weakness knowing that your frailty better displays His strength. God doesn’t need you to be a microscope. He isn’t a minuscule thing that needs to magnified. He is the most enormous thing in the universe. All you need to do is show Him for what He truly is.


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