Parish Council Minutes

17th October, 2013 at 7:30 pm

Present: Bryan Hunt, Dan Coverdale, Kelvin Loveless, Ray David Glenn, Rick Carpenter, Dave Wilson, Neil Denison, Joe Biggar, Gillian Fernie (admin)

1. Bible Study. 1 Peter 1:3-9

2. GAFcon. Ray David will not be attending, given Matthews significant anxiety about his father travelling to Nairobi. Parish Council supported this decision.

3. Bible-in-a-Day seminar. St George’s will be hosting BIAD in November. The Reverend Sean Love, one of the developers of BIAD, will be leading the seminar. Parish Council supported the event and it will be held on November 23rd (9 am to 3:30 pm) with tea, coffee and a catered lunch. The charge per person for the event will be $30.

4. Feedback on recent activities at St Georges.

a. Stewardship videos. Now available on the church website. Parishioners will be encouraged to approach the people featured in the videos or RD if they have questions about tithing or stewardship.

b. Volunteer appreciation night. Well attended (about 100 people) and lots of talented people.

c. Aaron Eime. Excellent speaker but unfortunately not well attended. Will be coming back in 2014 and STG’s will do more around promoting around it.

d. Prayer walk for Alton Village. Parish really engaged in this event, posting photos. Some participated via Google Earth. Some found a vocation, calling and heart for the community during this event. Well worthwhile.

5. Youth and Family Pastor. The Executive Council seeking the Lord’s leading on the hiring of a Family and Youth pastor.

6. Policy Documents. Special Events policy nearly complete. Plan to Protect Policy from ANiC must be implemented by Oct 2014 and to ensure the safety of children and vulnerable adults.

7. Building Report. Site plan approval imminent. BC hopes to have the drawings from the architect by the end of October which will allow the Request for Proposal process to begin.

8. Financials. Running a $36,000 deficit. Givings letter to go out soon, outlining givings to date, excluding building fund. EC asked to look at practice of covering operating expenses by borrowing, on a temporary basis, from the building fund and whether this should generate interest to the building fund. Counsel should be sort from the on Canadian Council of Christian Charities.


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