Do Halloween Well

As Christians, our main vocation in this world is to be ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor 5:20). We are called, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to show forth the grace, goodness and glory of Christ through word and deed. We are Christ’s hands and feet to our neighbours (1 Cor 12:27). We are light in this dark world (Matt 5:14).

Halloween gives us, as Christ’s ambassadors, a unique opportunity to engage with our neighbours. Our local community actually knocks on our door. We have the opportunity to befriend, and bless our neighbours.

So if you decide to take part in halloween this year, here are a few suggestions of how to intentionally engage and bless your neighbours.

1. Give out the Best Candy

Get the best candy that you can find – something that the kids will love. Maybe even have something for the parents too, like a cup of hot apple cider. Be a blessing to all of those who visit, that through your goodness they may “taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalm 34:8.

2. Talk to the Trick or Treaters

It’s tempting to make trick-or-treating nothing but a candy-transaction, with little conversation, but fight this urge. Instead, strike up a conversation with the trick or treaters. Tell the kids that you love their costumes. Ask for their names. Intentionally engage their parents. Use this as an opportunity to get to know your neighbours and build community.

3. Pray

Halloween is a night of sugar and cuteness, but it is also, for many, a night that celebrates and glorifies evil. We do not need to fear the evil one, but we do need to be aware that he is at work in this world and seeking to steal, kill and destroy. So, pray over each kid that comes to your house. Pray for your local community. Pray against the forces of evil waging war on this world. Pray for the light of Christ to shine in the darkness. Pray that you would have opportunities to show forth the goodness of Christ to your neighbours.

You may decide to not take part in Halloween (in fact my family has chosen not to), but if you do, do it well. Intentionally be an ambassador for Christ’s kingdom. Look for opportunities to sow the goodness of the gospel into your neighbours.

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