Bible Reading Plans

Many people have asked for a good bible-reading plan for the new year.  Here I will list a few recommended plans.  But first a couple of thoughts; foundational or governing principles, if you will.

1. Read Your Bible

It may seem obvious, but we must be reminded.  The Psalmist knows the importance of reading scripture and reflecting on his own discipline of reading and study he says, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11

2. It Requires Discipline

Chaos is the only thing that happens by chance. Your bible reading will be most profitable when you treat it as a priority, setting aside space in each day.  Consider the discipline needed to continue going to the gym in February or the determination required to get out of debt.  When you hit Leviticus you will be tempted by the I’m-too-busy-to-read syndrome. In fact, any discussion about time (or money, for that matter) is really a discussion about priorities.  You will always have time to do the things that matter to you. Reading your bible daily requires discipline.

3. Pray

The Holy Spirit will give you grace to read the scriptures.  He will change your affections, re-orienting your desires such that reading the Psalms will be more sweet than time spent watching television or staring at Facebook.  This may not happen immediately, but it will over time.  Pray that the Lord will give you a hunger for Him and His word.  The Psalmist says, “As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” Psalm 42:1-2  Before long you will wake in the morning longing to open your bible.  The time you spend prayerful reading God’s word will shift from a responsibility to a joy.  Within a few months you will wonder how you ever lived without daily bible-reading.

4. Talk Amongst Yourselves

Find other people who are following the same pattern as you and discuss what you are reading.  Pay particular attention to the broad sweep of the story, asking, “What is God doing in this passage?” and, “How does this move God’s purposes forward; namely creation, salvation and recreation.”.  Finally consider where is Jesus in your reading.  The resurrected Jesus taught disciples on the road to Emmaus that scripture finds its meaning in Him.  “Beginning with Moses and all the Prophets [what we call the Old Testament], he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.” Luke 24:27 In other words, Jesus is the interpretive key to everything from Genesis to Malachi and then Matthew through Revelation reflect on the implications of those scriptures fulfilled in Him. During coffee-time talk to each other about your reading.

5. Reading is not Studying

The goal of reading through the scriptures in one year is primarily to increase your biblical literacy while coming to understand the over-arching story of God’s self-revelation in His interactions with His people and ultimately in Jesus.  This is different from careful exegetical study.  Both have a place in your life, but studying 3-10 chapters per day will take too long and you will quickly become discouraged.  Read.  Don’t skim, but don’t take time to study all of the notes in your study bible.

Here are some recommended plans:

  • The Professor Horner Method will have you reading 10 chapters from 10 different places each day.  This plan will guide you through the entire bible several times in the calendar year.  It is challenging, but worth the effort. I have used it as my personal reading plan ever since a friend introduced me to it.  Be circumspect!  This plan is not for the faint of heart.
  • The M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan is a time-honoured method.  It will have you reading four chapters per day, taking you through the bible in one year.  The chief benefit lies in reading from different parts of the bible each day.  Here you will not get bogged down or discouraged in Leviticus and you will even begin to pick up on common threads that are woven throughout the scriptures.  Don Carson has written a series of devotionals around this plan called For the Love of God.
  • Three-a-day and five on Sunday Plan is manageable and I highly recommend it if this is your first foray into serious, disciplined bible reading.  Reading three chapter takes less than 15 minutes.  Everyone can do this.

There are many, many bible reading plans available on the internet.  Each has strengths.


The YouVersion app has many bible Reading plans to choose from as well as a huge online community of fellow Christians who are reading the same plans together. You’ll likely find some other friends from St. George’s on YouVersion. Consider starting a reading plan with some of them. Encouragement and accountability from fellow believers is always helpful.


Dwell, an amazing Bible listening app, also has a great list of reading plans that are quite useful if you have a long commute or spend lots of time at the gym.

Taste and See

I will leave you with one final thought from 1 Peter 2, “So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation— if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.” In longing for the pure spiritual milk of scripture your inner person will grow strong, indeed you will grow into salvation.  Your life will change, your thoughts and conversations will change.  Tasting and seeing the goodness of the Lord in His word expunges malice, deceit, hypocrisy envy and slander.

Read your bibles.

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