Worship Services Suspended

Due to the continuing spread of COVID-19, and confirmed cases in Burlington, our church leadership have made the decision to take immediate precautionary steps for the sake of others and suspend our worship services until further notice. While as an Anglican Church we place the highest value on meeting together to share Word and Sacrament, there are times when the mandate of our Lord to “love our neighbors as ourselves” supersedes the mandate to gather together physically. With the potential for rampant community spread of the Coronavirus, now is such a time.

Our leadership is carefully and continually monitoring this situation. Please know, we are committed to doing everything we can to create a safe environment for our church family and the surrounding community.

While we are not gathering physically for congregational worship this Sunday, we are encouraging everyone to worship from home while watching our Sunday morning livestream at 10:15am. Also, set aside time during your week to worship through song, prayer, and engaging God’s Word – either individually, with family, or your small group.

In addition to this, we will be posting regular devotional videos throughout the week to help keep you engaged with the gospel and focused on Jesus through this difficult time.

Why Have We Suspended the Services?

There are two primary reasons we have come to this decision:

  • First, we are seeking to honor our government officials (Romans 13:1-7) who have urged us to use extreme caution during this time. 
  • Second, we believe that cancelling our worship gathering is an act of loving our neighbors. There are many vulnerable people in our city who will be put at great risk by the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). As Christians, we are called by Jesus to care for and defend the vulnerable. In cancelling our worship gathering, we can actively fight to slow the spread of COVID-19. Cancelling our worship services can give health professionals more time to prepare and care for those who are most at risk from the virus.  

How can I continue to give to St. George’s while we are not gathering for services?

Your giving continues to be an important act of worship. You can continue to faithfully give financially online through Planning Center, Online Banking or Text-To-Give (text 84321).
Find out more about our giving methods here.

How should we respond as Christians to COVID-19?

  • Pray for mercy and healing for the sick, strength and endurance for medical professionals, insight for researchers, and wisdom for city and government officials.
  • Trust in the sovereign care of God instead of succumbing to the fear and hysteria of the world. Jesus is still on the throne. Let his perfect love drive out all fear.
  • Look for opportunities to love and care for others with the love that Christ has shown to us.
  • Reject every instance of prejudice or racism. The church should be grieved with God by the rise in racist incidents and language against the Asian community as the world responds in sin to the origination of this virus in Asia. God desires people from every tongue, tribe, and nation to experience and know the love of Christ. So let us be people who fight injustice and wickedness of racism and prejudice in all circumstances, making sure to also examine and guard our own thoughts, words, and actions.

Even if we’re unable to gather at certain times or as a full church body, stay connected to the church family through calls or texts, gather with small groups as appropriate, and engage with online content if no other option is available. Pray for and encourage one another without ceasing.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7

Other Cancellations

  • TTM: Men’s Gathering, March 14 (Postponed to April)
  • Take a Moment, March 20 (Postponed to April)

Christian Resources on COVID-19

  1. How to Talk to Children about the Coronavirus
  2. Coronavirus Explained by an Infectious Disease Expert and Pastor
  3. 8 Things the Coronavirus Should Teach Us
  4. Should Christians Be Anxious About the Coronavirus?
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