From A Hospital Bed

“A Christian is a walking sermon. They preach far more than a minister does, for they preach all week long.” ~ J.C. Ryle

We all witnessed an extraordinary sermon yesterday. It wasn’t preached from a pulpit. It was preached from a hospital bed. Joe and Blair’s story has spoken more clearly than any orator. It has shown us through action, the heart of the gospel. It has shown us Jesus.

For me, it has made me take stock of my life. Do I preach Jesus with my life? Do people look at me and say ‘now that man is different’? When people see my actions, the way that I live, does it show forth the love, grace and glory of God? Do I lay down my life for my neighbours, my friends?

One of the main things I’ve heard people say about Joe and Blair’s story is “Wow, you don’t hear about something like that very often”. People are shocked that someone would essentially lay down one’s life for a friend. If that’s the case, then we as the church are not preaching Jesus enough with our lives.

“Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.” 2 Cor 5:20

As christians we are ambassadors of God. We are meant to reflect God’s characteristics. He shines on us and we reflect those rays to those around us. We are walking sermons.

Christ bore our burdens. Carried our sins. Died our death. Endured the cross, the worst of deaths for the joy set before Him – you and me. Ask Jesus for this same kind of love. A love that lays down it’s life. A love that suffers in a hospital bed for a friend.

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